(804) 476-8077 info@luvemlikemines.com



MENTORING (Ages 5-21) – Building a       rapport between a young person and a    positive adult role   model who can provide advice and correction in a variety of          situations.


CLINICAL INTERVENTION (Ages 5-21) – Providing guidance and support sessions while transporting youth to and from events and/or appointments.


INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS (Ages 16-21) – Creating and enhancing the ability of young people to provide and care for themselves on all levels.


SURVEILLANCE (Ages 10-21) – Providing intense supervision of youth to verify adherence to curfews and whereabouts, through Face-to-Face and Telephone Contact.


JOB COACHING (Ages 16-21) –  Teaching interview and work etiquette. Assisting with completing employment applications and obtaining the necessary paperwork to begin employment.


Luv’em Like MINES Brochure – 2016


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